Kivijalka, ITU.

ITU: Cornerstone

Looking for distinguished researchers in technology and natural sciences!


Behind every functioning technology are thousands of hours of research. The purpose of the Cornerstone Award by TEK and TFiF is to highlight this valuable work. The Cornerstone Award is given to a person or work group that has made a particularly outstanding contribution to research in the field of technology and natural sciences. The research may be recent or decades old.

If this sounds like you or your team, nominations are open until 12 January 2025. Anyone can nominate awardees, you can even nominate yourself.

Nominate awardees

The winners will be selected by a panel of distinguished professionals from the field of technology and natural sciences. All ITU Awards will be presented in the spring of 2025.

Award criteria

The work to be rewarded

  • Is a testimony to the high level of research in the field of technology and to the pioneering research done in Finland.
  • Can be basic or applied research. The scientific and/or commercial merit of the research speaks for its importance to society.
  • It may be recent or decades old, but its modern applications make it particularly relevant at the time of the award.
  • Contributes to the well-being of the environment and/or people, and does not cause harm to either.
  • Is the work of an individual researcher or a research team. When the prize is awarded consideration will also be given to the diversity of the team.

Objective of the award

  • To promote appreciation of research in technology and science, and to increase interest in applying for a research career in the field

Target groups for the award

  • People interested in research (in technology and science)

Prize amount

  • 10 000 €

Award jury

Outi Krause.

Chair: Outi Krause

Outi Krause is Professor Emerita of Technical Chemistry at the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering. She has also served as Dean of the School of Chemical Technology and as Vice Rector of the Helsinki University of Technology, which preceded Aalto University. Prior to her academic career, Krause worked in industry for many years. She is a member of the Finnish Academy of Technical Sciences.

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Mikko Hupa

Mikko Hupa is Professor Emeritus in Chemical Engineering at Åbo Akademi University and former Rector of Åbo Akademi. He currently works as a consultant and advisor to several international research projects developing carbon-neutral energy and material solutions. He is Chair of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in Finland (STV) and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).

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Heli Jantunen

Heli Jantunen is an Academician of Science and Professor in Technical Physics at the University of Oulu. Jantunen has won international recognition for her pioneering work in the field of electroceramics. She also has a long experience working in industry and has won many academic awards and titles in her career. Jantunen has also served on the Scientific Council of the Research Council of Finland and as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for Defence.

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Risto Nieminen

Risto Nieminen is an Academician of Science and Professor Emeritus, whose research focused on condensed-matter and materials physics. He has been a professor and researcher at several universities and has also served as Academy Professor at the Research Council of Finland, as founder and Scientific Director of CSC – IT Center for Science, and as Dean of the School of Science at Aalto University. In addition, Nieminen has a long experience in numerous positions of trust in scientific and research organisations.

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Raimo Voutilainen

Raimo Voutilainen is a board professional and Adjunct Professor at Aalto University and Tampere University. He has had a long career as an actuary and has held management positions in several insurance companies.

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Juhani Nokela

Juhani Nokela works as Director of Public Affairs at TEK. He is highly experienced in research, development and innovation policy and has a broad understanding of the societal impact of technology.

Jussi-Pekka Teini
Jussi-Pekka Teini
Engineering Sustainability