Työkirja 2025


Support for job search and career

Workbook offers advice and resources in job search and career planning for students in technology, architecture, mathematics and natural sciences.

Työkirjan bannerikuva

Workbook 2025–2026 has been published!

TEK has published Workbook for over 30 years and the new Workbook 2025–2026 has been published and is now available on campuses and online! You will find the new Workbook on your campus, for instance in university career services, in TEK Lounges (Tampere, Turku, Lappeenranta) and in some guild rooms. Read the online version of Workbook 2025–2026 via link below.

In addition to the published guide, Workbook's website offers tips and useful information on the different stages of the job search. In the Toolkit you can find additional exercises as well as cover letter and CV examples for students in technology, architecture, mathematics and natural sciences.
Workbook 2025–2026


Björn Wiemers puhumassa Opiskelijavaikuttajaseminaarissa 2025.
Blog post

Blog: Pondering the future of higher education graduates

TEK invited over 70 student actives together to discuss the future of students. Finances raised concerns, whereas singing brought joy, writes Jaakko Marttila.
Opiskelijoita keskustelemassa rimaseinän edessä
Blog post

Blog: Financial worries threaten student wellbeing, innovation and retention

The poor employment situation is giving engineering students both short- and long-term fears.
Kaksi haalaripukuista henkilöä kävelee.
News article

The official TEK overall badge competition has started!

Suggest a slogan or a design for a TEK overall badge by 2nd March – your idea might come alive!