Henkilöitä istuu TFiF-TEK Loungessa Turussa.

About TEK

TEK is your professional community of academic engineers and architects in Finland.
Contact information
Contact details of TEK's offices, Lounges and employees. Don't hesitate to contact us!
TEK's research
Where and at what salary does a TEK member get employed? How is DEI realized in the field of technology? Find out from TEK's research.
TEK makes a difference
We are constantly working to increase the appreciation of technology and the technology industry in Finnish society.
Prizes and competitions
We reward experts in the field of technology annually.
Decision-making and community
TEK is founded, owned and managed by its members.
TEK as an employer
What is it like to work at TEK?
Data protection
Confidentiality and protecting our members' information are important to us.

Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is the largest organisation for academic engineers and architects in Finland, with a professional community of some 80,000 members. 

In Finland, it's completely fine to belong to a trade union and roughly 50 % of Finnish employees belong to one. Joining is always voluntary. Highly educated employees typically join unions based on education. TEK is the trade union for graduate engineers, architects and other university degrees in the field of technology. 

We are an organisation of professionals that promotes the science and technology industry in Finland and the people who work in those industries. Through our work we help graduate professionals to reach their highest potential within their chosen field. We do this by providing legal advicesalary advice and career coaching to our members. We are an organisation that will accompany you throughout your career, from the beginning of your studies through all stages of developing your career. 

We work actively in promoting the advancement of education and ensuring that professionals in Finland are equipped with the best skills and competencies on an international scale. We also work in strengthening the role of technology in the Finnish market through working with our partners both in the market and in government. We at TEK promote sustainable technology for the benefit of people, the environment and society. 

On behalf of our professional community, TEK negotiates and concludes collective agreements relating to salaries and conditions of employment. We at TEK believe in reasonable and fair employment conditions to ensure the wellbeing of everyone within our professional community.  

Who are the TEK members

TMT infograafi English 2024

Interested in TEK's membership?

Our community consists of professionals, including academic engineers, architects, computer scientists and STEM experts, as well as university students of these fields.

It's easy to join TEK - just fill in the online form and we will soon be in touch!

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