Kaksi henkilöä analysoimassa tutkimustuloksia


We know because we ask. The goal of TEK's research is to provide high-quality insights about the work life in the field of technology.
Work life and employment
What does the work life of a technology professional look like in Finland?
How are the students and recent graduates in technology field doing?
International experts
How do international experts find employment in Finland?
Diversity, equality and inclusion
How are DEI themes displayed at technology workplaces?
Global phenomena
How will AI, circular economy or continuing professional development shape our future? Check out these reports.

News on TEK's research results

Opiskelijoita keskustelemassa rimaseinän edessä
Blog post

Blog: Financial worries threaten student wellbeing, innovation and retention

The poor employment situation is giving engineering students both short- and long-term fears.
Piirroskuvassa palkansaajia.
Work life
News article

Money goes where money is

TEK members earn highest salaries in finance and trade. The lowest salary levels are found in the university sector.
Ryhmä ihmisiä pöydän ääressä
Work life
News article

The median salary of academic engineers increased to 5,732 euros – top management earned over 10,000 euros for the first time

According to TEK's labour market survey, the most common reason for a salary increase was once again a general increase based on a collective agreement.
Susanna Bairoh.
Work life
Blog post

Blog: Equal work, unequal pay

Equal pay for equal work - fair and justified, and even stipulated by the law. Nevertheless, pay parity for men and women often seems like an elusive and unattainable goal.
Work life
News article

TEK's starter salary recommendation is EUR 4,060-4,470 per month

The recommendation is based on data from TEK's surveys of recent graduates' salaries.
Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Blog post

Make a difference by answering surveys

The ongoing collective agreement negotiations are based, among other things, on the views expressed in our surveys by TEK members working in the sectors under negotiation.
Henkilö keltaisessa paidassa käyttää tietokonetta
Work life
News article

Only one in three over 50 believe they would find a job if they became unemployed

CEO of TEK Jari Jokinen: Are older workers hazardous waste or the most skilled employees?
People of different genders working at the same table
Work life
News article

More than half of the gender pay gap in tech is unexplained

The pay gap between men and women in the technology industry has hardly narrowed at all in more than a decade. This is shown by the 2023 Labour Market Survey conducted by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
Henkilö istuu portaalla läppäri sylissään, vieressä sateenkaaren värinen juomapullo.
Work life
News article

Women and non-binary people experience more sexual harassment than men

Non-binary people experience more sexual harrasment at work than men or women. Highly educated professionals who belong to sexual or gender minorities experience more harassment and are also less confident that their employer would address harassment, reveals a survey conducted among Akava affiliates.

Ongoing studies

TEK's annual studies

Labour market survey

TEK annually conducts a labour market survey for our members. This survey provides information on such matters as the composition of TEK’s membership, how the members are placed within the job market, how they are paid, how their salaries are developing and what their working hours are. The goal is to gain reliable and current information on the status of TEK members for lobbying and social influencing purposes. The data gained from the survey is also utilised in member services such as salary counselling and the Salary Surveyor.  

Read more (in Finnish)

TEK membership based on LMS 2024 results:

TMT infograafi English 2025.

Graduate Survey

TEK and Finnish universities in technology carry out a yearly feedback survey for academic engineers and architects at the time of their graduation. The feedback data and the results are widely utilized by the universities in developing the education in engineering and architecture, as well as by TEK in influencing the educational policy making

TEK is responsible for coordinating the data collection process and infrastructure, and the universities are responsible for reaching their new graduates with the TEK Graduate Survey. TEK Graduate Survey is directed by the steering group, which consists of representatives of every participating university and TEK. 

Results from 2023

Does the field of study matter?

Results from 2022

Results from 2021

Read more (in Finnish)

Student Survey

TEK's Student Survey provides information on students' employment, career expectations and attitudes towards work life. TEK's salary recommendations for internship and thesis work are determined based on the survey results.

The target group of the Student Survey includes all TEK student members (except those who have started their studies during the same year). The survey focuses on students’ summer jobs and working alongside studies as well as their wellbeing. The survey also has a changing theme.

Read more (in Finnish)

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