TEK studies: Diversity, equality and inclusion

How are DEI themes displayed at technology workplaces?

Susanna Bairoh.

Blog post: Nine Engineers and One Woman

My research focuses on gender equality, equity, and inclusivity in the field of technology. The persistent gender inequality in advancing to leadership positions continues to perplex me. Numerous studies illustrate how merits stick to men.
Susanna Bairoh.

Blog: Equal work, unequal pay

Equal pay for equal work - fair and justified, and even stipulated by the law. Nevertheless, pay parity for men and women often seems like an elusive and unattainable goal.
Henkilö istuu portaalla läppäri sylissään, vieressä sateenkaaren värinen juomapullo.

Women and non-binary people experience more sexual harassment than men

Non-binary people experience more sexual harrasment at work than men or women. Highly educated professionals who belong to sexual or gender minorities experience more harassment and are also less confident that their employer would address harassment, reveals a survey conducted among Akava affiliates.
People of different genders working at the same table

More than half of the gender pay gap in tech is unexplained

The pay gap between men and women in the technology industry has hardly narrowed at all in more than a decade. This is shown by the 2023 Labour Market Survey conducted by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
Henkilö keltaisessa paidassa käyttää tietokonetta

Only one in three over 50 believe they would find a job if they became unemployed

CEO of TEK Jari Jokinen: Are older workers hazardous waste or the most skilled employees?
Miesten palkat ovat edelleen hieman korkeammalla tasolla kuin naisten

Salaries of men and women in tech

A gender pay gap also exists in the technology sector. The unexplained pay gap after controlling for various variables is still 5.5 per cent.
Joukko opiskelijoita aurinkopaneelin äärellä.

Sense of belonging encourages professionals to stay in tech

Both male and female tech students feel they belong in the student community, but men feel a stronger sense of belonging in the field of technology. Gender minorities report the lowest sense of belonging. Where exactly does the problem lie?

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50 euron seteli roikkuu ilmapalloon kiinnitettynä taivaalla.

Column: Tech industry does not put women at the top of the income ladder

Many of the top earners in 2022 work in the tech industry. But why do only the men in tech seem to make it to the top of the income ladder?

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Ihminen istuu kasvot käsiinsä haudattuina, iso tumma varjo tavoittelee ihmistä.

Survey of Akava affiliates: A quarter of employees feel their employers do nothing to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

At its worst, harassment can harm an employee’s mental health. A survey of the affiliates of Akava found that only less than a third of employers have intervened with sexual harassment that constitutes a criminal offence. Employees demand more effective measures.

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Sofia Saarinen nojaa toimistohyllyyn.

"Thank you for making me think" – Author of Equality Guide hopes students would feel better

Sofia Saarinen put together an equality guide for students as a project commissioned by TEK. According to Saarinen, the number one golden rule of equality is: listen and learn.

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Susanna Bairoh.

Stereotypes and a masculine culture keep women in the minority in technology

Attempts have been made to increase the number of women in the field of technology for decades. However, the attempts have not been successful: In Finland, only one in five technology professionals is a woman. It is often argued that women lack an innate interest in technology. However, the lack of interest is not the cause but the consequence: the technology industry is structured to be masculine.

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kahvikuppi, johon heijastuu sateenkaari

LGBTIQ+ career development takes more work

Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.

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Joukko ihmisiä istuu pöydän ääressä.

90% feel they can be themselves in the field of technology

A clear majority are proud of working or studying in the field of technology. A pioneering study by Engineers Finland is the first in Finland to examine the sense of belonging in the field. Approximately 80% of the respondents felt they belong in the field.

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Results to the question "I fear I will face discrimination in my future career (LGBTQI+ students)"

Nearly half of LGBTQI+ students fear discrimination in their career

Technology students who belong to sexual and/or gender minorities see more risks in their future than students who do not belong to these minorities.

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Susanna Bairoh ja Sanna Putila ulkona.

Study: Men experience the dismantling of privileges as discrimination

Discrimination faced by women remains a significant problem in the field of technology, but a recent study also highlights discrimination experienced by men. The discrimination men experience in tech is often related to measures that promote equality.

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People in an office

Language requirements and prejudice hinder recruiting immigrants

Immigrants have a difficult labor market situation. Many of the disadvantages they face derive directly from discrimination and prejudice in recruitment practices and hiring on the part of employers.

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