TEK studies: International experts

How does working life change when the technology sector becomes international? Can international students find a career in Finland and what is it like to build a life in Finland as an immigrant? Find out in TEK's studies.

Henkilöt keskustelemassa.

Immigrant entrepreneurs are thriving financially, especially in tech

The share of immigrants among both entrepreneurs and employees has increased, according to a study by PTT. Immigrant entrepreneurs are thriving in the software and consulting sectors, among others.
Henkilön kädessä on kynä ja pöydällä on avoin opas.

The 3- or 6-month rule drives away technology experts

Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the 3- or 6-month unemployment rule proposed by the government. For technology professionals, getting a new job after unemployment is a long and specialised process, which is not taken into account sufficiently in the proposal.
Henkilö seisoo muuttolaatikoiden keskellä.

Finland drives out international experts

The societal debate on immigration is a major source of concern for international experts in the field of technology, with as many as 89% of them find the immigration debate worrying. Only 52% of the international tech experts surveyed would recommend Finland as a place to live and work.
Pöydällä papereita ja kalenteri.

Unemployment periods of tech professionals in Finland

3 months or 6 months: how long do unemployment periods last for engineers? TEK looked into the data: in 2022 almost one in four unemployment periods lasted longer than 6 months.
Opiskelijoita kävelee rappusissa.

Master’s thesis for a company helps foreign professionals secure jobs

A critical factor for finding employment and settling in Finland as an international student is writing your master’s thesis for a company. A student from outside the EU who writes their thesis for a company is four times more likely to get a job that matches their education than a student who writes their thesis outside the private sector. This result was revealed by the Graduate Survey conducted by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.

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People in an office

Language requirements and prejudice hinder recruiting immigrants

Immigrants have a difficult labor market situation. Many of the disadvantages they face derive directly from discrimination and prejudice in recruitment practices and hiring on the part of employers.

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There are two job markets for recent graduates

The employment prospects of Finnish and international students look very different at the moment of graduation. The lack of contacts is a major barrier for the employment of international students.

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