Content about "internationality"

Siamäk Naghian seisoo aurinkoisessa, talvisessa maisemassa.
Genelec's Iranian-born CEO Siamäk Naghian speaks fluent Finnish. "I would have lost so much as a person if I hadn't learned this language."
News article

Henkilöt keskustelemassa.
The share of immigrants among both entrepreneurs and employees has increased, according to a study by PTT. Immigrant entrepreneurs are thriving in the software and consulting sectors, among others.
News article

Nainen työskentelee tietokoneella modernissa toimistossa
The weak economic trend has lowered the threshold for offering and accepting unpaid work in architects’ offices. The phenomenon is common in southern Europe and has become more common in the other Nordic countries. Employers’ and employees’ organisations in the sector are concerned about the rise of unpaid internships in Finland.
News article

A person working at a desk
The weak economic trend has lowered the threshold for offering and accepting unpaid work in architects’ offices. The phenomenon is common in southern Europe and has become more common in the other Nordic countries. 
News article

Group for International Experts.
To be the best association for our international members, TEK needs places where their voices can be heard. That is why for the first time, we have started a Group for International Experts, dedicated to turning experiences into action.
News article

Henkilöitä tapahtumassa, puhuja edessä ja yleisö juttelee toisilleen.
In recent years, TEK’s offerings have become ever more accessible and tailored to international members. We should be proud of what has happened, while also recognising that challenges remain, writes Owain Hopeaketo.
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo
This week, TEK is celebrating a week dedicated to our international members. Why is this happening, and why is internationality such a recent focus of TEK’s actions? Project Manager Owain Hopeaketo explains that this is a topic that affects more than just our international members.
Blog post

Henkilöitä pöydän ääressä ruokalassa.

Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
On Thursday 17th October, the proposed three-month/six-month rule was handed to parliament. Despite positive changes, TEK remains firmly against this proposal.
Blog post

Henkilöitä labrassa.
The main reasons for getting a summer job might seem to be the same everywhere. In Finland however, they are even more important, as explained by TEK Project Manager Owain Hopeaketo.
Blog post