Content about "entrepreneur"

Henkilöt keskustelemassa.
The share of immigrants among both entrepreneurs and employees has increased, according to a study by PTT. Immigrant entrepreneurs are thriving in the software and consulting sectors, among others.
News article

Yrittäjä, puhelu, puhelinkoppi, palvelut

Porukka istuu portailla.
As a member of TEK, you have access to a wide range of online content, legal advice and discounts for entrepreneurs. You are also welcome to our events to get to know other entrepreneurs!
News article

Joukko ihmisiä istuu pöydän ääressä pohtimassa syntyjä syviä.
According to TEK’s labour market survey, the earnings of TEK entrepreneur members increased. The average income for full-time entrepreneurs rose by over 10%, and even part-time entrepreneurs saw a 9% increase.
News article

50 euron seteli roikkuu ilmapalloon kiinnitettynä taivaalla.
Many of the top earners in 2022 work in the tech industry. But why do only the men in tech seem to make it to the top of the income ladder?
Blog post

Yrittäjä istuu läppärin ääressä.
The entrepreneur members of TEK who have used TEK’s services are satisfied with them.
News article

Marjut Kinnari kiipeämässä veden yllä pystysuoraa kallioseinää, aurinko paistaa.
Frontend Developer Marjut Kinnari found support for her ideas about entrepreneurship from the seasoned and agile Anne Soikkeli in TEK's mentoring program.
News article

ihmisiä hallissa
The median annual income of TEK's full-time entrepreneur members was 60,000 euros last year. In the previous year, the figure was 53,500 euros. Part-time entrepreneurs also earned more than before.
News article

Remember that you also spend time doing other things besides the work you invoice.

There are mandatory and voluntary insurance policies for entrepreneurs.