Content about "work life"

TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
In Finland, we should be creating more work that is so productive that it is worth paying generously for and also taking good care of the people behind it.
Blog post

Mario Fürst
Being a shop steward is quite similar in Austria and Finland, says Mario Fürst, Automation Engineer and shop steward from Borealis Austria. He visited TEK for 3,5 weeks as a part of his shop steward training.
News article

Eduskuntatalon pylväikköä kuvassa.
TEK’s Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki cannot really see any positives in the government’s labour market reforms. Professional and managerial staff will soon feel the effects of the legislative changes.
News article

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo suoraan kameraan.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK believes that the starting point for extending local collective bargaining should be a balance between freedoms and responsibilities. More freedoms are now being granted, but the equal conditions for contract negotiations and contract monitoring and sanctions are not addressed or increased. The bill should be amended in this respect.
News article

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the government’s proposal to lower the amount of earnings-related daily allowance, or the so-called staggering of earnings-related daily allowance. “Highly educated professionals have little influence over this, despite being active.”
News article

Mika Maliranta puhuu TEKin valtuustolle.
Even zero growth would be an achievement for the Finnish economy this year. The numbers laid on the table by financial experts at TEK's Council Arena were so bleak that the entire audience listened to them in complete silence.
News article

TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
Blog post

Kynttilä ja kehyksissä oleva kuva tyhjässä kokoushuoneessa.
A specialist from the Surevan kohtaaminen project and two people who have lost a loved one talk about how workplaces should prepare for cases of death and how you can support a bereaved colleague.
News article

Kättelevät ihmiset
TEK and Ekonomit propose a new migration pathway to Finland to attract talent. Like in Canada, it would offer immigrants the opportunity to obtain an immediate permanent residence permit, with selections for this proposed pathway made on a points basis. Points could be awarded for having expertise in areas suffering labour shortages, or based on education and language skills.
News article

Industrial Employees TP published a report on the actions and goals of employer organisations entitled “Missä mennään, Eteläranta? Työnantajapuolen toiminta ja tavoitteet työmarkkinoiden murroksessa”.
News article