Content about "collective agreement"

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo sivulle.
The collective agreements of many TEK members were valid until 30.11.2024.
News article

Engineers are looking for a 5% increase, but higher figures have also been reported in competing countries. TEK’s aim is to increase the purchasing power of its members.
News article

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the idea of restricting conciliation through legislation, as this is detrimental to free sectoral wage formation.
News article

Eduskuntatalon julkisivu.
Akava considers the government's proposal to alter the labour market model unnecessary and anticipates that it will cause instability and uncertainty in the labour market.
News article

Vauva, mies, lastensänky
The number of days of family leave is defined by law, but whether the leave is paid or not is defined in the collective agreements negotiated by trade unions. “Allowing fathers to take more time off and taking diverse family types better into account is very important for equality,” says Tuula Aaltola, collective agreement expert in the private sector from TEK.
News article

Eduskuntatalon pylväikköä kuvassa.
TEK’s Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki cannot really see any positives in the government’s labour market reforms. Professional and managerial staff will soon feel the effects of the legislative changes.
News article

Harri Kaarre (vasemmalla), Mika Mäntymäki, Marko Honkalampi ja Marko Määttä juttelevat viikonlopun ylitöistä CATR-kammion (Compact Antenna Test Range) edessä. Oranssit piikit ovat absorbereita, jotka vaimentavat signaalit.
Work life. Many mistakenly fear that working as a shop steward will stand in the way of career progression, says Marko Honkalampi. “It doesn’t, as I myself can testify.”
News article

Industrial Employees TP published a report on the actions and goals of employer organisations entitled “Missä mennään, Eteläranta? Työnantajapuolen toiminta ja tavoitteet työmarkkinoiden murroksessa”.
News article

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Many key terms and conditions are laid down in collective agreements and not in, say, the Finnish law.
Blog post

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo sivulle.
The methods are many, said the farmer when he drove his tractor through the wall of the barn. With a similar approach, the government is relentlessly promoting labor market-related legal changes that have been recorded in the government program, despite the proposals and opposition of trade unions.
Blog post