Content about "TEK's research"

Henkilöitä istumassa.

Opiskelijoita keskustelemassa rimaseinän edessä
The poor employment situation is giving engineering students both short- and long-term fears.
Blog post

Opettaja ja kaksi opiskelijaa teknisten laitteiden parissa
A study on ways to achieve gender balance in the field of technology at universities.

Piirroskuvassa palkansaajia.
TEK members earn highest salaries in finance and trade. The lowest salary levels are found in the university sector.
News article

Ryhmä ihmisiä pöydän ääressä
According to TEK's labour market survey, the most common reason for a salary increase was once again a general increase based on a collective agreement.
News article

Susanna Bairoh.
Equal pay for equal work - fair and justified, and even stipulated by the law. Nevertheless, pay parity for men and women often seems like an elusive and unattainable goal.
Blog post

Henkilö keltaisessa paidassa käyttää tietokonetta
CEO of TEK Jari Jokinen: Are older workers hazardous waste or the most skilled employees?
News article

People of different genders working at the same table
The pay gap between men and women in the technology industry has hardly narrowed at all in more than a decade. This is shown by the 2023 Labour Market Survey conducted by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
News article

Miesten palkat ovat edelleen hieman korkeammalla tasolla kuin naisten
A gender pay gap also exists in the technology sector. The unexplained pay gap after controlling for various variables is still 5.5 per cent.

Henkilö istuu portaalla läppäri sylissään, vieressä sateenkaaren värinen juomapullo.
Non-binary people experience more sexual harrasment at work than men or women. Highly educated professionals who belong to sexual or gender minorities experience more harassment and are also less confident that their employer would address harassment, reveals a survey conducted among Akava affiliates.
News article