Tekniikan akateemiset TEK

TEK Magazine 1/2025.

The new TEK Magazine is here

News article
Work life

YTN issued a strike warning to the technology industry – see if the strike affects you

News article

Engineering Education Seminar 2025

Event |

TEK Local Election Panel

Event |
Collective Bargaining in 2025 ‹
Collective agreement negotiations are ongoing in sectors where many TEK members work. Read more about the negotiations!

What is TEK?

TEK is a trade union for academic engineers and architects in Finland.

In Finland, trade unions work closely with the employers’ organisations to ensure that the Finnish market is open, fair and competitive. On a personal level, this means that we negotiate the framework for employment conditions and salaries on your behalf, to make sure you have fair working conditions.

We are a professional organisation that supports you in your career. By becoming a member, you will have access to our experts, who can advise you on any issues regarding your work life in Finland. Through our services, we will help you make informed choices in all aspects of your career, from how to get your foot in the market to navigating Finnish work life.

Get to know our services in more detail below.

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Services and benefits

As a TEK member you have access to the best tools for building your career, as well as valuable benefits!

Employment and law

Job search and career


Unemployment insurance

Work life in Finland


Membership benefits

Events and trainings


Get to know all services and benefits

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How can we best serve you?

We offer a wide range of membership services to support you at different stages in your career. 



Job seeker



If you're not yet a TEK member, join now!

Latest news and blogs

Lappeenrannan Ylioppilastalo kuvattuna talvella ulkoapäin.
News article

30 years in Lappeenranta

President Martti Ahtisaari inaugurated the Student Union Building in Lappeenranta in the autumn of 1994. TEK’s Regional Advisor Saku Laapio was on the Board of the Student Union when the building project started.
Henkilö selaa padilla TEKin verkkosivuja.
News article

TEK is here for you in uncertain times

Recently, there have been many change negotiations in the workplaces of TEK members due to the tough economic situation. Remember to take advantage of the support offered by TEK.
TEK Magazine 1/2025.
News article

The new TEK Magazine is here

Our first ever printed TEK Magazine fully in English comes out on 7th March. You can also find links to the magazine's articles from this article.
Henkilöitä seisoo ulkona rakennuksen edessä.
News article

Creating a better Finland

Major changes in society impact technology experts even outside the workplace. What does TEK do to influence these changes to be positive ones?
Henkilöitä keskustelemassa käytävällä.
Work life
News article

Joining forces brings you a better work-life balance

You may have heard of YTN, JUKO or Akava. Not just random letters, but important organisations for your employment conditions and the societal influence of unions. Let’s find out why.
Piirroskuva ihmisistä etäpalaverissa.
Work life
News article

How to reduce stress in remote meetings

The more you participate in the discussion and express your feelings in a remote meeting, the more you yourself gain from the meeting.
Work life
News article

Who should I talk to if I have problems at work?

Sometimes you may come across overwhelming situations at work, friction between people or challenges with your ability to cope. Find out who you can turn to in these situations.
Daniel Valtakari katsoo kameraan.
News article

From your local university all the way to the EU

A familiar face for many: TEK’s senior adviser Daniel Valtakari works for TEK’s members’ benefit both in Finland and globally. His expertise spans from job search advice to collective agreements, all the way to lobbying in the European Union.
Nuoret henkilöt kahvilassa sohvalla.
Work life
News article

Build a network and gather information

Your network consists of the people you interact with. They can give you information about different career paths and job opportunities. Even people who do not know you are usually happy to help, as long as you make helping easy for them. This information can help you understand what you can do with your career and what kinds of jobs you could apply for.