
Collective agreement negotiations

Here you can find more information about collective agreement negotiations concerning TEK members.

Negotiation round 2024-2025

Updated 27th February.

Private sector

YTN's strike will take place on Friday, February 28, 2025, in certain companies within the technology industry

Collective agreement negotiations have started or are about to start in sectors where many TEK members work. 

In the private sector, collective agreement negotiations in the technology industry, consulting sector and IT service sector started in September and in the architectural design sector a little later in the autumn. The collective agreements in all these sectors expired on 30th November and no new agreements have yet been reached in any of the fields. 

In the private sector, negotiations are also ongoing in the ICT sector, the private laboratory industry and on the sector of yrityskehitysorganisaatiot (business development organisations), among others. Negotiations in the chemical industry also started in December.

Follow the private sector negotiations at YTN's website

Public sector

On the public sector, negotiation on the church and state sectors started on 15th January. 

The university sector followed on 4th February. You can follow the university negotiations in English at yliopistotes.fi/en.

Follow the public sector negotiations at JUKO's website (in Finnish)

News from TEK:

20th February: The pressure measures announced by SAK and STTK do not apply to senior salaried TEK members

13th February: YTN issues a strike warning to the technology industry – see if the strike affects you

7th February: Negotiations on salaries are stalled

3rd February: Collective bargaining negotiations for universities are about to start

15th January: Negotiations started on the state sector (in Finnish)

13th January: Pressure measures by the Industrial Union and Trade Union Pro do not apply to TEK members

11th December: Many TEK members' collective agreement are expiring

2nd December: No strikes before Christmas

21st November: YTN continues negotiations in the technology industry

Stay updated

The most important news about the progress of the negotiations are typically sent by email directly to our members in the respective field. Please make sure that your workplace information is up-to-date on the OmaTEK portal and that you have chosen to receive news on the Finnish labour market and lobbying. 

If you are an employee representative, please check your contact details and staff representative status with YTN's customer service or JUKO.

Private sector

The collective labour agreements of the members of TEK and other Akava unions working in the private sector are negotiated by The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN. In practice, the negotiators are experts from TEK and other Akava unions. Click here to read about the importance of collective agreements. Collective agreements are negotiated for each contract branch. If you do not know which contract branch your employer belongs to, ask your employer or shop steward. 

Read more from YTN's site (private sector) 

Public sector

JUKO negotiates the collective agreements of TEK and other Akava union members working in the public sector: at universities, the state and the municipalities. You can get the most up-to-date information on public sector collective agreements on JUKO's website (in Finnish). The Yliopistotes.fi website provides information about universities' collective agreements

Read more on university sector's negotiations

Read more on public sector's negotiations (in Finnish)

Read more

What is the significance of collective agreements?

What is the significance of general binding?