Our lawyers have your back in the twists and turns of work life. You can contact us, for instance when you are about to sign a new employment contract, when you are concerned about a redundancy or layoff or when you are starting a business.
Please note that our e-services, such as our legal databank, are available to you as soon as your membership has been approved. Our personal legal advice is available once you have paid your membership fee.
Explore also TEK Magazine's legal section, where we discuss current legal changes and other law-related topics that affect our members.
Advice on your employment
Our lawyers are here to help you in any situation involving labour legislation, such as:
- making an employment contract
- questions concerning changing jobs
- threat of redundancy or layoff
- in disputes
- when you are planning a family or study leave

Legal advice for entrepreneurs
We provide legal advice for starting and working entrepreneurs on various topics, including:
- starting a company
- entrepreneur’s unemployment security
- matters regarding labour law.
In addition, we comment on shareholders’ and commission agreements in which our member is personally a party.
Please note that preparing contracts and tax matters are not part of our services. Tax advice is included in the service package of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises (info in Finnish), which is available to TEK entrepreneurs at a discount.
Legal databank
The legal databank maintained by TEK’s lawyers contains information about labour legislation.
Check out the frequently asked legal questions and their answers
Guides and document templates
Our guides provide information about employment, concluding contracts and entrepreneurship, among other topics. Pre-made document templates are also available for you to use.
Liability and legal expenses insurance
TEK's professional liability and legal expenses insurance covers legal and litigation expenses of disputes and criminal cases arising from your employment relationship.
Contact our lawyers
Contact us via OmaTEK. If necessary, you can also attach relevant documents, such as employment contract.
We are at your service on weekdays at 9.00-12.00. Please prepare for the call by having relevant documents at hand.
Please contact us through one channel only with the same issue to avoid duplication of messages. Thank you.
The partner services included in TEK's membership benefits and the benefits provided by the partners are subject to the the service provider's terms of service and data protection.