Luento, tapahtuma

Collective bargaining negotiations for universities are about to start

News article

Negotiations on a collective agreement for universities start on February 4th. The validity of the general collective agreement for universities ends on March 31st, 2025.

The negotiating parties of the general collective agreement for universities met on Friday, 31st January to discuss the economic situation of universities. The actual negotiations will start on Tuesday, 4th February, when the parties will present their objectives. The general collective agreement for universities expires on 31st March 2025. Regular negotiating meetings have been scheduled until the end of March.

  • There are 13 universities in Finland, employing a total of 35,000 people.

Employees are represented in the negotiations by the Negotiation Organization for Public Sector Professionals (JUKO), Trade Union Pro and Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL). The employers' side is represented by Finnish Education Employers.


For more information:

Hanne Salonen, Labour Market Director, Finnish Education Employers

040 520 4877

Katja Aho, Head of Negotiations, the Negotiation Organization for Public Sector Professionals (JUKO)

050 5921646

Ira Kyntäjä, Contracts Officer, Trade Union Pro

050 325 7507

Matti Sallila, Contract Specialist, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL)

050 513 7851

University facts 2025

  • Collective agreements | Universities’ general collective agreement and the provisions on teacher training schools
  • Current agreement ends | 31st March 
  • Main contractual parties | JUKO, Trade Union Pro, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, and Finnish Education Employers
  • JUKO’s negotiators | Head of Collective Bargaining Katja Aho (JUKO), University Advisory Board Chair and Executive Director Tarja Niemelä (Finnish Union of University Professors), Special Adviser Hanna Tanskanen (Trade Union of Education, OAJ), Negotiations Manager Petri Toiviainen (Social Science Professionals), and Negotiations Manager Reetta Kuosmanen (The Union of Research Professionals)

The members of Akava unions represented by JUKO work at universities in such areas as research, teaching, administration and management.

What is JUKO?

  • JUKO, the Negotiation Organization for Public Sector Professionals, negotiates collective agreements on behalf of, and thus represents, 200,000 members of 35 Akava member unions.
  • JUKO bargains collectively on behalf of employees and officials of the municipalities, well-being services counties, the state, universities and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, as well as in Yritysjaosto, the National Gallery and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. 
  • At the workplaces, 3,500 JUKO shop stewards negotiate locally and represent members of all JUKO unions.
  • JUKO’s mission is good work life.
  • Public sector professionals, supervisors or managerial positions: find your union