
Who should I talk to if I have problems at work?

News article

Sometimes you may come across overwhelming situations at work, friction between people or challenges with your ability to cope. Find out who you can turn to in these situations.

Workplaces may have their own processes for handling workplace conflicts. You can seek help from your employer through your supervisor or HR, and you can also contact the shop steward or employee representative of your workplace.

If you are experiencing difficulties with your employer, talk to the shop steward or employee representative about it. If the situation involves legal uncertainties, contact TEK’s legal advice.

Are your worried about your workload or duties? You can bring them up with your supervisor or HR. 

In situations that endanger health or safety, contact the occupational safety and health representative of your workplace. In cases that concern physical or mental health issues, occupational health care can also help.

If you are concerned about your ability to cope, TEK offers full members a service for discussing stressful situations (at work), read more at www.tek.fi/wellbeing.

Unsure who are these people at your workplace?

A shop steward represents employees in sectors covered by a collective agreement, whereas an employee representative can be elected in sectors without a collective agreement.

If you don’t know who is your workplace’s shop steward or employee representative, or occupational safety and health representative, you can ask your colleagues or TEK.

TEK at your service

Remember, that if you need advice with your specific situation, you can always contact TEK’s experts via the OmaTEK communication channel. You can also contact the shop steward or employee representative of your workplace.

Read more about the Finnish work life: www.tek.fi/work-life

You can find more answers to work-life-related questions in Finnish and English on TEK’s Instagram and LinkedIn #TyöelämäKysymykset

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