Organisation 27.2.2025 | News article TEK's membership grew the most again At the beginning of 2025, the number of members in Akava unions was 623 924, an increase of 625 from the previous year. For the second year in a row, TEK was the union with the largest increase in membership.
Students 6.2.2025 | News article The official TEK overall badge competition has started! Suggest a slogan or a design for a TEK overall badge by 2nd March – your idea might come alive!
Students 5.11.2024 | News article Otaniemi wins Jäynä Competition with emotion-sensing AI app The best jäynä in this year’s National Jäynä Competition measured the emotional reactions elicited by various images. Teams from Vaasa and Tampere also won awards.
Technology 23.9.2024 | News article Fame and glory to technology experts – are you one of them? TEK and TFiF are honored to call attention to experts in the fields of technology and natural sciences and their innovations. We will reward top experts with three new awards in spring 2025 – which of them would suit you best?
Organisation 16.8.2024 | News article The 3- or 6-month rule drives away technology experts Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the 3- or 6-month unemployment rule proposed by the government. For technology professionals, getting a new job after unemployment is a long and specialised process, which is not taken into account sufficiently in the proposal.
Organisation 24.5.2024 | News article "Finns are cool" – and visiting TEK was a part of Austrian shop steward training Being a shop steward is quite similar in Austria and Finland, says Mario Fürst, Automation Engineer and shop steward from Borealis Austria. He visited TEK for 3,5 weeks as a part of his shop steward training.