This spring, we launched a new online course in Finnish, “Startti yrittäjyyteen”, or “Start into Entrepreneurship”, which consists of five sections: business plan, pricing, sales, wellbeing and networks.
The course is especially designed for new entrepreneurs or those who are thinking about starting a business, but it is useful to revisit and clarify your approaches no matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey.
You can contact our lawyers if you have any questions about starting a company or an entrepreneur’s unemployment security. Our lawyers can also comment on shareholders’ and commission agreements to which our member is personally a party. You can find advice on drafting shareholders’ and commission agreements in our guides.
You are also entitled to discounts on the UKKO and the OP Light Entrepreneurship services and the Holvi business account. In terms of occupational health services, benefits are available from Terveystalo and Täsmä Työterveys. Our latest benefit is a 50% discount on the Driim coaching library for one year.
TEK’s entrepreneur members are entitled to the service package of Suomen Yrittäjät for EUR 140 per year. The package includes tax advice, among other services.
TEK’s Entrepreneurs’ Club and events for entrepreneurs ensure that you will stay informed on current events and get to know other entrepreneurs. The club and events are mostly in Finnish.
View all our services for entrepreneurs: www.tek.fi/en/entrepreneur