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Unemployment periods of tech professionals in Finland

3 months or 6 months: how long do unemployment periods last for engineers? TEK looked into the data: in 2022 almost one in four unemployment periods lasted longer than 6 months.

TEK asked from Statistics Finland the number and length of unemployment periods of university educated engineering and ICT professionals in Finland in the years 2018-2022. 

The data reveals, that the lengths of unemployment periods among technology professionals are long, regardless of nationality. 

Of the unemployment periods in 2022, 23% of those that Finnish workers experienced lasted longer than six months, only slightly lower than for non-Finnish professionals at 25%. 45% and 52% lasted longer than 3 months for Finns and non-Finns respectively, displaying more of a difference. These numbers correspond well to the pre-pandemic values. View the results in more detail below.

You can filter the data according to your needs by using the year, nationality and education selections or by clicking bars in the visualization. 

The visualization works best in full screen mode.

About the data

The data describes the number and lengths of the unemployment periods that ended during the years 2018-2022 for persons belonging to categories 2 (professionals) and 3 (technicians and associate professionals) of the Statistics Finland's Classification of occupations, regardless of their educational background. 

From the material, it is possible to separate the sections that are related to people who have at least a lower university degree in the field of engineering, ICT or mathematical natural sciences. 

There can be many different reasons for the end of the unemployment period. 

*In the visualization, only those periods are included, where the reason for ending is getting employed or the fact that the job search was not renewed. Not renewing the job search is typically related to getting independently employed.

The information is based on data from Statistics Finland's and TEM's employment service statistics.
