Universities and workplaces need guidance on how to use artificial intelligence
62 percent of tech students use generative artificial intelligence tools in their studies. According to surveys conducted by TEK in the autumn of 2023, AI tools have been adopted faster in studies than in working life. However, there is a lot of uncertainty among tech students about the use of artificial intelligence. Respondents in working life, on the other hand, are very confident about the continuation of their own employment despite the increasing use of AI tools.

UNI Global: Unions around the world answer algorithmic management's problems
The use of algorithmic management systems has dramatically accelerated across different industries in recent years, offering employers new ways to prioritize productivity at the expense of workers’ well-being, privacy and wages.
Recognizing the urgent need to address these problems, UNI Global Union has released a new report, Algorithmic Management: Opportunities for Collective Action, which provides valuable guidance on how unions can challenge these systems using established legal frameworks and existing bargaining mechanisms. The report also offers concrete recommendations for future collective bargaining.

Mental Health in the Digital World of Work
This report addresses the political recognition of the crisis with citizens’ mental health in the EU. Lack of efficient mental health services, supports and investments across Member States has resulted in pervasive mental health issues and alarming suicide rates over decades. Even before COVID-19 pandemic, the multitude of citizens affected by mental health were disturbing, due in large part to the disconnect between education, health, economics, employment, social inclusion and poverty. Therefore, there is a strong need for a comprehensive EU Mental Health Strategy, which takes a cross-sectional approach to mental health issues.
Based on the report, the European Parliament have asked for a directive on psychosocial risks to be proposed by the Commission, doing so for the second time this year.

A guide to Artificial Intelligence at the workplace
This book, in partnership with CFDT Cadres, is presented as a legal guide for better mastering AI in our immediate environment. If we are faced with facial recognition during recruitment, the use of our personal data without our knowledge, if we are monitored by software during teleworking, that we depend on the arbitrary decision of an algorithm during a promotion, or even in our training course in the company, this book can help us to ask the right questions and to act. This book also features interviews with researchers, sociologists, staff and worker representatives, bodies confronted with the introduction of artificial intelligence in organizations.

Towards a circular economy: Skills and competences for STEM professionals
This report introduces the basis for a Circular Economy Competence Framework for STEM specialists. The framework includes a set of essential technical and analytical skills for creating circular solutions. The Association of Nordic Engineers suggests implementing this framework across all engineering and STEM educations in the Nordic higher education institutions.

Adressing Ethical Dilemmas in AI: Listen to the engineers
Published in January 2021, this report by ANE voices engineers’ concerns and presents their recommendations in the final report from the second AI hackathon in 2020. Engineers assert that they are ready to take responsibility for tackling ethical dilemmas in AI, but they can’t shoulder the responsibility alone.

Nordic engineers' stand on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics
Questions such as who should take moral, ethical and legal responsibility for artificial intelligence technologies need to be prioritized on the political agenda. The Nordic countries are known for low levels of corruption, high levels of involvement of civil society in policy making and a commitment to ethical treatment of consumers and of the labor force. As such, the Nordic countries are positioned well to be frontrunners in setting the agenda for how to address the issues of ethics in AI development and implementation
Nordic engineers’ stand on AI and ethics presents the deliberations resulting from the ANE AI & ethics hackathon held in September 2018, facilitated and developed jointly with the IT University of Copenhagen.

Continuing Professional Development as viewed by Nordic Engineers
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) during the career path is not a luxury invention. Everyone should have the right to a sound educational background and CPD in order to maintain and acquire skills to remain in the employment and manage the transitions in the labour market. Regardless of the fact that the Nordic region scores high in terms of innovation and new technology, the talent shortage is becoming a sad reality.
This report is a joint effort of the Association of Nordic Engineers, ANE, and it provides evidence on barriers to access CPD, and forms several policy recommendations to close the existing gaps.

Teleworkability and the COVID-19 crisis: a new digital divide?
This paper discusses the extent of teleworking in the EU before and during the COVID-19 outbreak, develops a conceptual analysis to identify the jobs that can be done from home and those that cannot, and on this basis quantifies the fraction of employees that are in teleworkable occupations across EU countries, sectors and socio-economic profiles.
This paper is part of a Working paper series on Labour, Education and Technology by the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The JRC is the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process.
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