Ehdolla kunta- ja aluevaaleissa, Kokoomus

Roni Juntunen

Kansallinen Kokoomus
Hi! I’m a young computer engineering graduate from Lappeenranta. I’m running for the regional council to bring fresh, youthful perspectives to regional decision-making. I believe that in the future, we can provide better and higher-quality welfare services by using modern digital solutions more extensively and improving efficiency in other areas. For example, by utilizing artificial intelligence more widely and developing information systems, we can leave more time for practical care work.

Election goals

I strive to ensure that healthcare services can be delivered more efficiently and with higher quality in the future. I will make sure that the wellbeing region has access to the latest information and technologies.

Election district

South Karelia
Kansallinen Kokoomus
Hi! I’m a young computer engineering graduate from Lappeenranta. I’m running for the regional council to bring fresh, youthful perspectives to regional decision-making. I believe that in the future, we can provide better and higher-quality welfare services by using modern digital solutions more extensively and improving efficiency in other areas. For example, by utilizing artificial intelligence more widely and developing information systems, we can leave more time for practical care work.

Election goals

I strive to ensure that healthcare services can be delivered more efficiently and with higher quality in the future. I will make sure that the wellbeing region has access to the latest information and technologies.

Election district

South Karelia
26 years
Quality Assurance Engineer
Master of Science in Software Engineering