Rantanen Anssi
Theme Evening

Anssi Rantanen: The World's Best Teams - what can we learn from them?

In a rapidly changing world, a solid foundation for teamwork is crucial for success. This talk introduces the pillars of world-class teamwork, highlighting how every team member can significantly impact dynamics. It also covers the benefits of continuous 1% improvements and frequent retrospectives, leading multicultural and global teams, and the importance of a growth mindset. The keynote speaker is Anssi Rantanen, international keynote speaker and serial entrepreneur.

The Theme evening will be held at the Epicenter venue in Helsinki and streamed for remote participants. The evening will be hosted by the charismatic presenter and actress, Elina Aalto.


Register by 23.11.2024

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Management / supervisory work





We live in a world which is changing faster and faster every day and in that environment having a solid foundation for teamwork is critical to success. This talk will introduce the pillars of world-class teamwork in a fast-paced and enjoyable manner.  We'll cover:

  • How any person in the team can contribute significantly to teamwork dynamics
  • Why continuous 1% improvements and frequent retrospectives increase performance
  • How to lead and work with teams that are multicultural and global
  • Why having a mindset of learning (growth mindset) is critical
  • Multiple examples and case studies from organisations such as: British National Cycling Team, Google and NASA

Program in Helsinki
16:30 Doors open and registration
17:00 Welcome, Elina Aalto (stream start)
17:05 Keynote: The World's Best Teams - what can we learn from them?, Anssi Rantanen
18:00  Q&A, Elina & Anssi
18:30 Food, drinks and networking
20:00 Event ends

Rantasen Anssi

Anssi Rantanen

Anssi Rantanen is a growth expert, international keynote speaker and serial entrepreneur. He is currently the Founder of the Health Tech startup Aorta, which is a health wearables company that helps consumers measure and manage their stress and recovery. He previously worked as the Founder and CEO of Growth Tribe Academy in Finland and as a Growth Consultant at Google. Anssi studies what the most successful individuals, teams and organisations do differently. He shares his findings and learnings through fast-paced, dynamic and inspirational keynote sessions, mastermind workshops and interactive lectures.

As a speaker Anssi is brave, fun and incredibly engaging. He launched himself into the highest echelons of the European speaker ecosystem by winning the prestigious Nordic Business Forum Speaker Contest in 2019.  After that he has been speaking at companies and events in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and Lithuania amongst other places.


Aalto Elina

Elina Aalto

Elina Aalto is an actress (Master of Arts) and a host, who has acted in several musical and drama productions in both Helsinki and Turku City Theatres and the National Theatre, among others. She has hosted multiple events and seminars and also works as a voice talent. In addition to her performer career Elina has almost twenty years of experience in coaching public speaking and communication skills in companies and universities.

Photo: Henni Hyvärinen
