On the 13th April, the municipal and county elections will be held in Finland. These are vital in building the future of cities and regions, covering for example budgets, hospitals, employment services and housing planning. Crucially, Finnish citizenship is not required in order to vote!
Come and listen as a panel containing some of the major political parties in Finland discusses key election topics, and what their party is doing about them. The event will also start with an information session into what happens both before and after you place your vote. The event is held fully in English.
Invites to the panel have been sent to each party represented in TEK’s council (National Coalition Party, Social Democrats, The Greens, the Left Alliance, Centre Party), as well as the Finns Party. Panelists will be updated closer to the event, and include members of parliament.
The event begins at 17:15 with an introduction to the elections, before continuing into the panel at 17:30.