92% of technology graduates would choose the same discipline
The satisfaction of recent graduates with an academic degree in technology with the university education they have received in the field of technology has grown steadily from 2016–2019.
Of the 2019 graduates with an academic degree in technology, 76 percent would choose exactly the same education again. This was shown by the joint feedback survey by Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK and the universities, which is sent out annually. The share of respondents who would choose the same education and major subject again has grown by 6 percentage points in four years.
According to the survey, no less than 92% of those who graduated in 2019 would choose university education in the field of technology again. Satisfaction with university education in technology is exceptionally high, because at the same time, the share of students who would rather study another discipline besides technology at university has almost halved in four years. In 2019, only 5% would have chosen some other university education besides technology.
94% were satisfied with the education they received
An impressive 94% of the 2019 graduates were satisfied with the education they received. The growth in re-choosing the same discipline can be explained by the steady improvement of results in all seven criteria measuring the quality of education and satisfaction.
– According to the graduates, especially the overall quality of teaching, teaching methods, having up-to-date study content and applying research results in teaching have developed in a positive direction over the four years. The graduates feel that the education corresponds even better to the goals they set in terms of developing their competence, for example, says Analyst at TEK Arttu Piri.
LUT University embodies the Skinnarila spirit
According to Rector Juha-Matti Saksa, the students at LUT University are highly satisfied with the content of the education, the quality of teaching and the teaching methods.
– There are certainly many reasons for the level of satisfaction. The digitalisation of education took major leaps forward already long before COVID-19, and international elements are an integral part of our university community. In addition, we have invested in close collaboration with businesses in our education, says Saksa.
– The most important value is communality, which we call the spirit of Skinnarila. We are a tight-knit university community on two campuses in Lappeenranta and Lahti, and we all work together for a common goal.
Strong multidiscipline education as the asset of Aalto University
– The good results of Aalto University are based on our investment in content, structures and the welfare of students, says Petri Suomala, Vice President for Education at Aalto University.
Aalto University has invested in the multidiscipline nature of education programmes by increasing cooperation and providing a wide range of minor subjects to study. The university has promoted goal-oriented studying by introducing two-year study plans. Digital solutions have also provided more opportunities to make individual choices.
Suomala considers the challenge-based learning applied at Aalto University and the strong link between studying and working as particularly successful features.
– We start building bridges and connections between studies and employment already during the study path. Challenge-based learning, study projects, practical training and theses provide a versatile outlook on working life. They also help to form networks. When it comes to international students, these are valuable tools for integration, says Suomala.
Every year, about 70–80% of the graduating academic engineers and architects answer the joint feedback survey of TEK and the universities of technology. The survey is answered by roughly 2,100–2,300 academic engineers and architects every year.
The results of the feedback survey from 2016–2019 can be viewed in the visualisation. Read more here (mostly in Finnish).