Celebrating academic achievements

News article

During TEK’s 120th anniversary event in Espoo on 17 November, prizes were presented for four especially distinguished academic theses.

TEK and the Tekniska Föreningen i Finland TFiF’s joint PhD thesis prize was given to Suvi Santala, a researcher from Tampere Technical University for her work on synthetic biology.

The award for the best Master’s thesis was given to Ida Korpivaara, a graduate of Lappeenranta Technical University and Anssi Rantasalo, a graduate of the University of Turku. Korpivaara’s thesis focuses on legitimacy building in public disclosures on strategic energy investments, while Rantasalo’s investigated enzymatic regulation.

The Academic Association for Mathematics and Natural Sciences – MAL awarded their prize for the most distinguished Master’s thesis to Peter Hedman from the University of Helsinki. He is responsible for developing two algorithms that facilitate the simulation of indirect light in computer graphics.

PhD thesis prize was given to Suvi Santala (left), in this picture with her grandmother Aino Hietala, who has been most interested in Suvi's research.