The start of a new year often sparks a desire to think about and look for something new in our lives. For some, this means changing jobs or moving to a new place, whereas others may give more attention to their skill set, well-being, sleep or a hobby. Have you noticed that TEK offers a variety of member services in each of these areas?
In addition to a wide range of labour market, legal and magazine services, you have access to various online recordings and podcasts related to work, leadership, well-being and self-improvement. We also organize mentoring and club activities throughout Finland. TEK also offers its full members two low-threshold conversational sessions and exercises with a professional if there are any issues at work that are causing stress and that you urgently need help with.
Students may not only enjoy the Workbook and our events, but also the MielenTEKoja podcast (in Finnish) where the discussion revolves around mental well-being and coping at work. MielenTEKoja started out as a collaboration where, in honour of its 125th anniversary, TEK donated 125,000 euros to Nyyti ry to promote the well-being of students.
“TEK membership builds good life” is one of the goals of TEK's council agreement. This means that TEK develops member services that make an impact, based on the wishes and needs of TEK members. We facilitate work-life balance through lobbying and contract activities. We also take special measures to meet the needs of tech professionals who have moved to Finland in our member acquisition and services. The aim is that all TEK members will want to remain members “from university to the grave”.
The article was published as a column in TEK Magazine 1/2024.