Becoming an entrepreneur is a viable option for technology professionals in Finland. It allows freedom to develop your expertise and skills while building a business that suits your lifestyle.
For many of our members, establishing a business is an excellent opportunity to follow their professional interests and gain extra income. Approximately 6 % of TEK members are entrepreneurs. We offer the following services for those already running their business as well as those considering becoming entrepreneurs.

Inexpensive service package from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises
Entrepreneur members of TEK can obtain an extensive service package from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises (Suomen Yrittäjät) for EUR 143 / year. The service package includes, for example, advice service, seminars at member price and other membership benefits. You can obtain the package by completing this form (in Finnish).
TEK and other unions have established a joint association called AKY - Akavalaiset yrittäjät (Academic Entrepreneurs) which has become a trade association of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises. The service package discount is part of this cooperation.
Legal advice for entrepreneurs
TEK lawyers offer free of charge consultation and information in the following entrepreneurship related matters:
- Setting up a business
- Being a board member
- Entrepreneurs’ unemployment benefits
- Advice on Shareholder Agreements and Consultation Agreements
- Employer issues
Insurance coverage for entrepreneurs
The legal expenses and liability insurance included in your TEK membership covers also private traders and incorporations that have no employees and those practicing their profession as an incorporation who own the incorporation entirely. The insurance is valid for full and student members.
An entrepreneur and a self-employed person can also insure themselves against unemployment. They can be insured by Entrepreneur Fund, an unemployment fund for entrepreneurs.
As an entrepreneur, you should not remain a member of a salary earners’ fund (such as KOKO fund), because this will not entitle you to earnings-related benefits. In addition, the right to earnings-related benefits provided by a salary earners’ fund will end after 18 months of business operations. If you are an entrepreneur, please inform TEK's member service, so the KOKO funds' fee will be diminished from your membership fee.
Join the unemployment fund for entrepreneurs within three months of becoming an entrepreneur to prevent an interruption in your income security. In addition, you must join within one month of resigning your membership in your previous unemployment fund.
Network and events
TEK Entrepreneurs' Club brings together TEK's entrepreneur members and people interested in entrepreneurship. The Club arranges get-togethers where you can meet other people that share your interests and can offer valuable peer support.
Join the club (form in Finnish)
We also organise events and webinars for entrepreneurs (mostly in Finnish).
Discounts for entrepreneurs
The discount codes to Holvi business account, Driim and occupational health services are available for our members and they can be found here, when you log in to the site. If you're not yet a member, join from the top corner of the page!
Guides and further information
Guides regarding entrepreneurship
The Federation of Finnish Enterprises
The partner services included in TEK's membership benefits and the benefits provided by the partners are subject to the the service provider's terms of service and data protection.

Thinking of setting up your own business?
Read our tips and advice on what to consider before starting your own business.
Entrepreneurship as a side business?
A secondary-occupation entrepreneur is a person, who earns their livelihood from full time employment or pension, while operating an enterprise alone or with others. Read more on what you should know when setting up a side business.