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Where to look for a tech job in Finland

We have listed the most common recruitment platforms in Finland. If you have a university degree from the field of tech, joining TEK will give you access to our more comprehensive tips and advice on job search. Please note, that we do not offer jobs directly.

Common job search services in Finland

TE-services, in Finnish TE-palvelut, the national vacancy service




Jobs in English

Jobs in Helsinki


Work in Finland 



Public sector



Headhunters, recruiting and HR companies


hpl Henkilöstöpalveluyritysten liitto

FEX Finnish Executive Search Firms' Association

Private employment/recruitment companies

Look for agencies that will suit your needs and skills and register with one or more agencies.

Employment / Recruitment Agencies & Search Engines with Sites in English+

Adecco: Adecco provides staffing services in Finland & internationally

Boyden Finland: Business consulting firm focusing on executive positions

Rekrytointi.com: Jobs, Vacancies, Employment, and Training Search

VPS Group: Labour hire and recruiting services throughout Finland, Estonia and Hungary 


VMP Group: Hiring and recruiting in most fields in Finland and throughout Europe


Academic Work

Seure: Employment in organizations owned by the Cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen. Available positions are for example in schools, daycare centers, and hospitals. 

Employment / Recruitment Agencies & Search Engines with Sites in Finnish

Biisoni Henkilöstövuokraus: Temporary staffing, recruitment, outsourcing and subcontracting

HR-Yhtiöt: Staffing and recruitment services with a focus on industry sectors such as building, transportation, electrical and plumbing, and property maintenance

Staffpoint: Temporary personnel, recruitment, outsourcing, training services, international workforce

Recruitment fairs

You can find a list of some recruitment events here.

Hidden job market 

According to professional recruiters, only 20-30 % of available jobs are made public. Thus, make sure to utilize many channels to look for a job. One of the most controversial aspects of job seeking is looking for hidden jobs; peeking below the surface and making use of one's networks and directly contacting places that have not yet made a position officially open. Read more about hidden jobs and how to find them here

Universities' Career Services

If you are a student or a recent graduate, you can also utilise the Career Services at your university.

Aalto University

Tampere University

LUT University

University of Eastern Finland

University of Helsinki

University of Jyväskylä

University of Oulu

University of Turku

University of Vaasa

Åbo Akademi