The majority of TEK members are so-called senior salaried employees. This means that salary regulations are mostly excluded from collective agreements. Instead, salaries are negotiated individually, based on the job requirements, your education and training, as well as your specialised skills. Normally in Finland, you are asked to give a salary request when you apply for a job. This is then the basis for the negotiations, if you are successful in your application.
The situation is different in the public sector jobs because salaries are often paid based on a payment system.
TEK offers salary statistics and personal salary advice services that provide an overall indication of the various industries’ salary levels in different tasks and positions. In Finnish work life, senior salaried employees are personally responsible for their own salary development. Everyone must personally decide the price of selling their work contribution to the employer, due to the fact that the ICT service sector is the only one where minimum salary levels are determined by the currently valid collective agreement.
When is the right time to discuss salary?
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