Four unions to join forces – more services for entrepreneur members

News article

In the future, it will be easier for TEK’s entrepreneur members to purchase the extensive service package of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises.

There will be more services available to TEK’s entrepreneur members and the supervision of their interests will become more efficient.

TEK, the Finnish Business School Graduates, the Association of Finnish Lawyers and Social Science Professionals have founded Akateemiset yrittäjät AKY (Engl. Academic Entrepreneurs). The organisation promotes academically educated entrepreneurs’ prerequisites for operation and organises training and other events for entrepreneur members.

The new association has also joined The Federation of Finnish Enterprises as a trade association.

– Entrepreneurship is an increasingly likely alternative for TEK members also. Approximately eight per cent of TEK members have entrepreneurship as a primary or secondary occupation. Furthermore, at least one in four members has considered entrepreneurship or at least showed interest in it. Because of this, we continuously develop the services to match the needs of our members, explains TEK representative for entrepreneurship-related matters Martti Kivioja.

New networks and more efficient supervision of interests

The new association will organise training and other events targeted at entrepreneur members. The joint events of the four unions create an excellent opportunity for different professionals to meet and widen their networks. These events will take place in addition to TEK’s own events.

Furthermore, the new association will function as the cooperation body for the four member organisations on matters that are related to the supervision of entrepreneurship-related interests. Akateemiset yrittäjät AKY is striving to lower the threshold to becoming an entrepreneur.

One of the goals, for example, is to achieve clearer definitions of the statuses of employees and entrepreneurs and make it easier to switch from one role to the other without the starting entrepreneur losing their benefits and social security.

– A larger group of people enables us to express our positions more clearly, Kivioja points out.

The extensive service package of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises for an affordable price

With the new association, TEK’s entrepreneur members will have access to more services. The Federation of Finnish Enterprises has accepted Akateemiset yrittäjät AKY as a trade association.

In the future, TEK’s entrepreneur members are entitled to purchase the extensive service package of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises for just EUR 65 per year. The service package is intended for business members of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, but with the new cooperation TEK members can purchase the package without having to separately join the Federation of Finnish Enterprises as a member.

We will provide more detailed information on purchasing the service package at the beginning of February, when the association’s membership in the Federation of Finnish Enterprises begins.

– It is a significant benefit. The service package includes, for example, extensive advice on company law, says TEK’s Field and Organisation unit’s director and Akateemiset yrittäjät AKY’s chairperson Joel Salminen.


The extensive service package of the Federation of Finnish Enterprises
More details on purchasing the service package will be provided at the beginning of February.
  • Yrittäjäsanomat – the membership newspaper, 11 issues per year
  • Information session for entrepreneurs six times a year
  • Advice services
  • Membership card and benefits
  • Seminars at members’ prices
  • Visibility in the redesigned Synergia, if wanted
  • Newsletter from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises twice a month
  • Access to the member pages with the personal membership number