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Guided training

CareerBoost, Spring 2025

Welcome to CareerBoost – a three-week online Job Hunting Programme. 

CareerBoost is offered in English for union members with international background and who want to take an active approach to their job search. The programme is based on peer-to-peer support and the meetings will mostly be led by the participants themselves. By participating in this programme, you will get the best tips for job search in Finland. 

In spring 2025, CareerBoost will take place twice, 13th–31st January and 5th–23rd May.

Registration for the January group starts on Wednesday 11.12.2024 at 8.00. The May registration will open later in the spring.



Registration period has ended.

Event information






Job search and career



CareerBoost is also held in Finnish under the name Rekryboosteri. Read more

Welcome to CareerBoost – an online Job Hunting Programme

CareerBoost is based on peer-to-peer support and the meetings will be led by the participants themselves.

By participating in this programme, you will get the best tips for job search in Finland. This successful programme has been prepared by experienced career coaches and bring you the best advice to support your job search.

Three weeks online-group

During spring 2025, we will run to CareerBoost groups: the first from January 13th to 31st and the other from May 5th to 23rd.

CareerBoost is targeted for the unemployed members of six Akava unions, one of them being TEK. In your group, you can share the successes and disappointments of your job search, get encouragement and feedback, as well as new perspectives on the direction of your own skills and the flow for successful employment.

You can participate in CareerBoost group regardless of where you live.

Each week has its own themes, tips and exercises that will propel you to a new job. The career coach is present at the start of the group during the first week and weekly on Thursdays for joint meetings.

CareerBoost ’s weekly online schedule:

Monday from 13:00 to 15:00
Peer group meets online: Lessons learned from the previous week and preparation for the coming week’s themes

Tuesday from 13:00 to 15:00
Job search workshop with your peer group

Independent work and feedback from the peer group for your job application documents

Thursday from 13:00 to 14:30
A job hunting theme meeting led by a career coach or a guest lecturer

Updating your own job search plan

At CareerBoost, you will meet people from different fields, from experts to managers and from recent graduates to experienced professionals. Career coach Anku Merisaari will be present at the first meeting of the group in the first week and at weekly meetings on Thursdays.

You can participate in the CareerBoost group regardless of where you live!

Read more about Careerboost

“This program gave me a great boost of confidence. The most useful task for me was CV review by the members of the group.”

“Knowing that I'm not alone with the challenge of finding employment; meeting other jobseekers in the same boat.”
- Feedback from previous CareerBoost participants
Sari Haataja
Sari Haataja-Helander
Service manager, career services

Registration period has ended.
