Neljä henkilöä keskustelee pöydän ääressä.

International experts and their experience in Finland

How do international experts see their life and future in Finland? Join this webinar to find out! In this webinar, we will publish the results of a joint survey by TEK and The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland. 

Miten kansainväliset osaajat näkevät elämänsä ja tulevaisuutensa Suomessa? Tule kuulolle TEKin ja Insinööriliiton webinaariin, jossa julkistamme viime keväisen tutkimuksen tulokset. Webinaari pidetään englanniksi. 

Event information









Last spring TEK and The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (IL) asked international experts about their experiences in and with Finland. We got an impressive number of answers, thank you to everyone who responded! 

Now we are happy to invite you to our webinar where the results will be revealed for the first time. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, 13th August from 10.00 to 11.00. 

The results will be presented by Researcher Elina Ahti from IL and they will be commented by Senior Adviser Miika Sahamies from Akava ry, Advocacy director Petteri Oksa from IL and Director of Public Affairs Juhani Nokela from TEK. 

The sign up link will be updated on this page closer to the event. 
