Talk in society often circles around the need for international students and graduates. In technology in particular, international students are seen as a vital part of the future Finnish workforce, and each year the number entering Finnish universities increases.
However, is this process of internationalising of our graduates actually working? Are we producing an ever more international workforce, or simply gaining tuition fee income, and sending international graduates elsewhere?
In this talk, Owain Hopeaketo will try to answer those questions by analysing both publicly available and TEK survey data. Topics covered will include the trends in internationalisation of technology students, rates of skilled employment and emigration, and what steps could be a part of making Finland a better end destination for international talent.

Owain Hopeaketo
Owain Hopeaketo works as a project manager for international experts at TEK. His work includes collaboration with universities on international member related projects, as well as advocating for international technology experts in both TEK and Finland. Owain is originally from the UK, and has studied a master's degree in Aalto University in Chemical Engineering.