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TEK Talks

Why does the business world need arts & design expertise?

TEK Talks continues in autumn 2024 with a series of four events highlighting growth issues. The webinars will explore where Finland can find new growth as the sustainability deficit threatens both nature and the public purse.

In the second webinar in the series, Anna Valtonen, Vice-Chancellor at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design (Sweden) and Professor of Strategic Design, will discuss why does the business world need arts & design expertise. 



Register by 21.10.2024

Event information








Technology and innovation



The world is facing complex challenges related to environment, technology and inequality. Businesses look to solve problems, design being one of the key tools. But design thinking and service design, for example, are only singular aspects of arts and design. Finding sustainable instruments of adding value and creating long-term competitive advantage are key questions in integrating arts and design into business. How do you avoid narrow thinking and design sustainable growth?

Join the discussion about arts & design expertise and why they are needed in the business world. Speaker will be Anna Valtonen, a leading expert on the subject. For a more detailed introduction to Valtonen, see a little further down the page.

All four TEK Talks events will take the form of webinars. The discussions and presentations will be fully open and accessible to all. They will also be recorded.  This webinar is in English, but the other TEK Talks events are in Finnish.

Valtonen Anna

Anna Valtonen

Anna Valtonen is the Vice-Chancellor at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design (Sweden). She is also Professor in Strategic Design at Aalto University. 

She has worked as Vice President at Aalto University (Art & Creative Practices) and was the Dean of the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Before that she was Professor and Rector of the Umeå Institute of Design at Umeå University in Sweden. Before 2010 she worked in various roles in Nokia, most recently as Head of Design Research & Foresight. 

In Finnish about next TEK Talks -webinars
Suomeksi seuraavista TEK talks -webinaareista

TEK Talks -tapahtumat järjestetään webinaareina. Keskustelu ja esitykset ovat avoimia ja kaikkien kuunneltavissa. Niistä tulee lisäksi tallenteet. Tämä kyseinen webinaari järjestetään englanniksi, mutta muut tapahtumat ovat suomeksi.

Ilmoittaudu tästä seuraaviin webinaareihin: 

6.11.  TEK Talks: Kestävä kehitys – rasite vai kasvun lähde?
Kenneth Widell 
Wärtsilän Sustainable fuels & Decarbonisation -yksikön Senior Project Manager

18.11. TEK Talks: Teknologiamurrokset ja kestävä kasvu 
Risto Linturi
Sarjayrittäjä ja tulevaisuudentutkija

Voit katsoa ensimmäisen webinaarin tallenteen täältä:

To 3.10. klo 17-18.30 TEK Talks: Miten kilpailukykyä ja kasvua luodaan? 
Mika Maliranta
Laboren johtaja ja taloustieteilijä
Heli Koski
ETLAn tutkimusjohtaja ja taloustieteilijä

Tapio Heiskari
Tapio Heiskari
Educational policy expert
Mikko Särelä.
Mikko Särelä
Expert for industrial and innovation policy

Register by 21.10.2024
