Mies katsoo läppäriä

Work remotely from Finland

Have you ever thought of working for a foreign employer, but from the warmth of your own home, here in Finland? Join this webinar to find out how it can be done! 

Oletko koskaan miettinyt, että voisit tehdä töitä ulkomaille Suomesta käsin? Tervetuloa tähän webinaariin kuulemaan, miten se käytännössä onnistuu. Webinaari pidetään englanniksi. 


Register by 08.04.2025

Event information






Working life skills



In this webinar, Yulia Zhukova, CEO and Co-founder of Nerdsbay, will discuss the route to remote employment abroad while remaining in the happiest country in the world.

The following topics will be discussed in the webinar:

  • The latest market trends and remote work opportunities
  • How Employer of Record (EOR) services can simplify working for international companies
  • Exploring practical steps to take advantage of these opportunities

Yulia will share insights, practical advice, and real-life examples from the field. There will also be time for a Q&A. The webinar will be held in English.

There will be a recording that will be available for 6 months after the event.

Yulia Zhukova.

Yulia Zhukova

Yulia Zhukova is the CEO and co-founder of Nerdsbay, a Finnish HR-tech company.

Owain Hopeaketo.
Owain Hopeaketo
Project Manager, International Experts

Register by 08.04.2025
