Content about "employment"

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the government’s proposal to lower the amount of earnings-related daily allowance, or the so-called staggering of earnings-related daily allowance. “Highly educated professionals have little influence over this, despite being active.”
News article

When used correctly, performance bonuses are a motivating bonus system. However, from a labour law perspective, there are a lot of things that can be unclear about performance bonuses.
News article

Pöydällä on tietokone, kahvikuppi, banaani ja älypuhelin
The employment situation of professionals with a higher education degree in technology has remained good, but the number of unemployed people in the fields of architecture and construction has increased by no less than 64 per cent over the past year.
News article

People in an office
Immigrants have a difficult labor market situation. Many of the disadvantages they face derive directly from discrimination and prejudice in recruitment practices and hiring on the part of employers.
News article

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Even though there is uncertainty around the development of the employment situation, there is no reason to despair.
Blog post

What is going on in the work life of technology professionals in Finland?