Opiskelijamäärän kehitys 2021

Record number of student members

News article

The number of student members who joined TEK increased again last year.

The number of student members who have joined TEK has increased over the past four years. The record result of 3,808 student members in 2020 broke last year. In 2021, there was a total of 4,066 student members.

What is the secret of the record year, Anniina Pokki, TEK's student membership officer?

– The answer is probably a bit boring, for we have done everything pretty much the same way as before. During the orientation weeks, we have been able to meet a lot of freshmen face-to-face.

TEK's local student liaisons (opiskelijayhdyshenkilö) play a big part in the acquisition of members. In practice, they present TEK and TEK's operations to freshmen together with guild liaisons (kiltayhdyshenkilö). After these presentations, those who are interested in becoming members can fill out a form. 

– We have also tried to organise some online stuff, but being active in different student events and projects brings us most of our members. In addition, the student intake quotas in the field of technology have increased in different universities. 
