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Result negotiated for university employees early on Sunday — JUKO board to discuss result on Thursday

News article

We will issue further information on the content of the agreement when all parties’ governing bodies have deliberated it. The JUKO University Advisory Board and JUKO board will deliberate the result on Thursday.

The negotiations on the universities’ collective agreement achieved a result early on Sunday morning.

The outcome of the negotiations affects approximately 34,000 university employees.

Now, the governing bodies of the negotiating parties will deliberate the result. The parties to the universities’ collective agreement are JUKO, Pro Trade Union, the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, and Finnish Education Employers.

We will issue further information on the content of the agreement when all parties’ governing bodies have deliberated it. The JUKO University Advisory Board and JUKO board will deliberate the result on Thursday.

The universities’ collective agreement expired on 31 March, meaning university employees have not been covered by any collective agreement since 1 April.

Negotiations for a new collective agreement began on 11 February.

Follow the discussion with #neuvotellen2022

JUKO will publish updates about the collective agreement negotiations on their website, www.juko.fi/yliopisto. Follow them and the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, @JUKOry, using the hashtags #neuvotellen2022 #yliopisto #meolemmeyliopisto. They also have content about the negotiations aimed at young adults on their Instagram account, @juko_ry.

The Collective Agreement Campaign website, from JUKO and the relevant unions representing university staff, explains the significance and content of the collective agreement to university staff: www.tyoehtosoppa.fi