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Tech experts will lift Finland out of the RDI swamp

Blog post

For TEK, one of the autumn’s most important topics is what tools Finland intends to use to raise the share of RDI investments to 4 % of the GDP during the 2020s.

A parliamentary RDI work group has been established to navigate this course, and I am personally a deputy member of this group.

Our message as TEK is that education policy is the most crucial tool in the government's innovation policy toolbox. Studies have demonstrated that the availability of experts is the most crucial factor when companies decide on the location of their research and development activities. Therefore, we need more technology and STEM experts, a higher level of education and both private and public investments into research, development and innovation.

Education policy is the most important tool of innovation policy.

The current resources of universities must be bolstered so that they can provide high-quality education and an environment for scientific work. We must emphasise our ability to secure EU funding and entice knowledgeable people to come to Finland from abroad, into both universities and companies. On the European level, Finland is one of the leading innovators, but in recent times our investments have been among the weakest in the EU. Therefore, it is now time to make proactive and long-term RDI policies instead of individual investments.

Finding a shared vision on RDI matters now at the beginning of the decade is crucial for the future of Finland. Finding this vision means we will be able to see the results of our policies at the end of the decade at the latest.
