Content about "competence"

Unicuksen toimitusjohtaja ja kolme työntekijää kurkistaa hyllykön takaa.
IT company Unicus hires only consultants who are on the autism spectrum. This is not charity. Unicus sees the diagnosed as special experts.
News article

Renata Laty­pova suoja-asussa laboratoriossa.
Road to becoming a doctor. Tensile stress and hydrogen together crack ultrahigh-strength steel within minutes. The tuning-fork test developed in a thesis provides a way to identify steel grades that are resistant to hydrogen embrittlement.
News article

Aurinkopaneelit, kestävä kehitys, kiertotalous
According to a recent report, the green transition requires more tech talent and broader transferable skills, such as continuous learning and resilience in a rapidly evolving work environment.
News article

Kaksi henkilöä korjaa satelliittiantennia
For TEK, one of the autumn’s most important topics is what tools Finland intends to use to raise the share of RDI investments to 4 % of the GDP during the 2020s.
Blog post

Monimuotoisuuskeskustelulla ei ole koskaan mennyt yhtä hyvin. On harvinaista joutua enää perustelemaan monimuotoisuuden taloudellista ja inhimillistä arvoa työyhteisössä tai mukaanottavamman työelämän tärkeyttä. Kaikki on siis paremmin kuin ennen, eikö?
Blog post

The discussion on diversity has never been as prominent as it is now. Nowadays one rarely needs to justify the financial and human value of diversity in the work community or the importance of a more inclusive working life. So everything is better now than before, right?
Blog post

Uravalmennus toimistolla, kaksi henkilöä
Are you wondering what to do about your career? Are you planning to find a job but don't really know where to start? Or are you having difficulties in expressing your own skills and strengths?

Kaksi henkilöä kahvilassa, kannettava tietokone, kahvi
Gaining new skills is a worthwhile investment. You can build, expand, and strengthen new competencies, for example, while working, studying or during periods of unemployment.

It is absolutely evident that Finland is in a dire need of international technology experts.
Blog post

Working life experiences were shared in the Nuorten osaajien forum programme. It was important for them to develop their own behaviour and to share experiences, participants say.
News article