“Work life should be fair and safe for absolutely everyone. We at TEK work constantly and persistently on behalf of equality,” says TEK's Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki.
Helsinki Pride works to advance the rights, inclusion and wellbeing of sexual and gender minorities. TEK’s council agreement for the term 2023–2026 states that TEK builds an equitable and safe work life and society for everyone, regardless of their background. It is TEK's aim to dismantle discriminatory structures and attitudes in work life.
“Partnering with Helsinki Pride is natural and important to us. We have been partners already for five years and we are constantly learning how to become better allies. We provide equality training for our staff and our members,” says Hankamäki.
TEK supports students’ efforts to build a more equal student culture. In addition to the Equality Guide published last year, TEK provided training this spring for harassment contact persons, especially for people in student organizations.
In addition, TEK continues to challenge student organizations to provide safe space. Already more than 70 organizations have accepted the challenge. The participating organizations receive TEK’s standard with the text “All are welcome here”, symbolizing the fair and equal treatment of LGBTQI+ students in the activities and the spaces of the student organization. (more info in Finnish)
TEK conducts research to monitor and support the development of more equal work life. As part of its 2023 labour market survey, for example, TEK asked members about their experiences of family leaves and employers’ attitudes towards leaves. The survey revealed that 64 per cent of the respondents do not know whether their employer takes diverse family forms sufficiently into account, i.e. LGBTQI+ families, adoptive families and families with multiples, for example.
TEK has also studied sexual harassment in the workplace together with other Akava affiliates. According to the study, non-binary people feel that their opportunities to report harassment without fear are weaker than those of men and women.

See you at the Pride Parade!
Helsinki Pride is an annual human rights and cultural event that is celebrated all throughout June. Its theme this year is ‘Peace and Hope’. The event culminates in the Pride Week that will take place 24–30 June and especially the Helsinki Pride 2024 Parade and Park Picnic on Saturday, 29 June. TEK will also be taking part in the Parade and the Park Picnic.