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Equality Guide

This Equality Guide offers concrete tips for building a more equal and non-discriminatory student culture as well as for intervening in inappropriate behaviour.

The TEK Equality Guide originated in Antti Ilmavirta’s master’s thesis Inclusion in technical students’ activities, which he completed in the spring of 2022. The research results of the thesis found that students both need and want a more non-discriminatory student culture and environment.

The purpose of this equality guide is to present a range of ways to develop an equal culture and intervene in inappropriate behaviour, and it offers useful and current research and links on the topic.

Read an interview with Antti

Instructions for action
Concrete instructions for various situations
What does equality actually mean?
Equality glossary
Six Golden Rules for Equality
Short curriculum on equality
TEK's research
How are diversity, equality and inclusion themes displayed at technology workplaces?