This article is translated by DeepL.
Artificial intelligence as the theme of the Council Arena
At the meeting, delegates first gathered in the Council Arena, where the topic this time was artificial intelligence. The topic was introduced by top experts in AI technology, AI coach and author Antti Merilehto and Attendo's ICT Director Jukka-Pekka Luhanko. The arena featured interesting examples of how AI can be used in creative ways. Merilehto explained how to command AI to make the answer as useful as possible. Luhanko said that Attendo is trying to use AI so that caregivers have more time for their own care work.
The Council Arena was hosted by Merina Salminen, Communications Director at TEK. When asked, the delegates saw the potential of AI, especially in improving working life and promoting innovation. Many highlighted the potential of AI to improve the efficiency of work processes and free up time for more creative tasks. They also highlighted the role of AI in supporting sustainable development and its importance for the future labour market. The comments also raised ethical questions about AI and the need to ensure that its use is responsible and transparent.

Decisions of the meeting
After the Council Arena, the Council meeting began. The meeting was opened by Hannu-Matti Järvinen, Chairman of the Council, who welcomed the participants and ensured that the meeting was legal and quorate. Mari-Leena Talvitie, Chair of the Board of Directors, presented a presentation on TEK's strategic orientations and future prospects.
Jari Jokinen, TEK's Executive Director, said in his presentation that TEK is building a sustainable and equal future in accordance with the Council Agreement. He emphasised the benefits of TEK membership, such as high-quality services and professional labour market supervision. Jokinen also stressed the importance of digitalisation and the green transition in the development of society, as well as TEK's internal development and the courage to renew. Growth in membership and quality of services were key themes that demonstrate TEK's strong position and continued development.
The Council approved the 2025 Action Plan and Budget. TEK's membership fee will remain the same next year as in 2024, at €351 per year for full members of the treasury. In 2025, TEK also plans to invest more in marketing. Casimir Ruohomaa was elected as TEK's student representative on the board for 2025.
The meeting also heard, among other things, reports on the development of TEK's membership and representativeness, the activities of the KOKO Fund and the Entrepreneurs' Fund, and current research results. Susanna Bairoh, TEK's Research Manager, spoke about how TEK's research has attracted public interest, with several TEK representatives having been interviewed in the nation's leading media and on television during the past year. This received special praise from the Council. The desire for more visibility for TEK has long been expressed and this year has been particularly successful.
The date of the Spring Council meeting was set for 20-21 March 2025, and will be held in Tampere.