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The official TEK overall badge competition has started!

News article

Suggest a slogan or a design for a TEK overall badge by 2nd March – your idea might come alive!

We declare the official TEK overall badge competition open! Anyone can suggest a phrase, slogan or visual design for a TEK overall badge. Suggestions are collected via the competition form until Sunday, 2nd March.

The best slogan or design will be turned into an actual badge and distributed throughout the country. Now is the time to really put your brainstorming skills to work - your idea could be decorating the overalls of your fellow students as early as this coming Wappu aka May Day!

We will also raffle out tasseled mugs or TEK sauna seat covers/kitchen towels.

The new badges will arrive on campus during April. Make sure you follow TEK's Telegram group to stay updated! 

To the competition form