Where to find information on COVID-19 and its impact on work
The coronavirus or COVID-19 has led to many dramatic changes, which may have a direct impact on your work. Here you can find sources of reliable information, which will help you make informed choices.
With issues related to COVID-19 and its possible impact on your employment
- YTN (Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff) is a negotiation organisation for senior salaried private sector employees. On their list of frequently asked questions you can find comprehensive information on the impact of COVID-19 on your employment relationship.
- KOKO is an unemployment fund for salaried employees. They provide information on what to do if you’re temporarily laid off and answers to frequently asked questions. KOKO pays out earnings-related allowance for unemployment, temporary lay-off or labour market measures. The KOKO fund membership fee is included in the membership fee for full TEK members.
- TE Services is the State Agency which provides services for those who become unemployed or temporarily laid off. Here you can find frequently asked questions on the COVID-19 situation.
- Kela is the Social Insurance Institution of Finland that provides social security coverage for Finnish residents. Kela provides information on the effects of COVID-19 on Kela’s benefits, the processing of applications and the services.
- The Finnish Immigration Service Migri has gathered information about the effects of the COVID-19 on their services and operations.
If you have questions on how this situation may affect your employment relationship, your nearest help will be your local employee representatives at your workplace. If you are uncertain who your employee representative is, you can ask your employer or colleagues.
We at TEK are here for you in this exceptional situation
Our lawyers at TEK are also here to help you, please contact us if you find yourself in a difficult or challenging situation as a result of the COVID-19 virus. You can reach us by filling out an online form or by phone (09) 2291 2345 (working days from 9.00 to 12.00). Questions related to layoffs or unemployment due to COVID-19 were also answered in a webinar, you can watch the recording at oma.tek.fi (requires logging in).
We also offer salary advice and career services for TEK members. Follow TEK’s newsletters, TEK magazine’s section for English articles and our website for the latest news. More information on layoffs is available in this article.
TEK's webinar on COVID-19 and its impact on work is available here.
With general issues related to the spread of COVID-19 in Finland
- YLE is the national broadcaster for Finland, and in their English pages you can find the most recent up to date news on the COVID-19. You can also check their news in plain Finnish. Here's a list of Finnish words you're likely to see in news and social media that will help you understand the news in Finnish.
- The Finnish Government website contains decisions by the Government and the most up to date information on decisions made by the Finnish State on managing the COVID-19.
- THL is the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare and provides the most up to date information on the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Finland.
- InfoFinland.fi is a website that gathers information on living in Finland in 12 different languages. To find COVID-19 related materials, choose your language at the front page and then navigate to Health – Health Services in Finland. The English page is available here.
- On a global scale, WHO is continuously monitoring and responding to this outbreak. Their Q&A will be updated as more is known about COVID-19, how it spreads and how it is affecting people worldwide.