If you have a spouse or children, you should definitely have life insurance. If you have a loan, life insurance is even more important. Why? Life insurance pays out an agreed amount of compensation if the insured person dies.
As a TEK member, you and your spouse are entitled to take out life insurance granted by Kaleva Insurance Company at a 65.1% discount negotiated for you. Members who have already taken advantage of this benefit save an average of 673 euros per year on the cost of their life insurance.
For example, life insurance cover of EUR 100,000 for a 30-year-old costs only EUR 6.10 per month. You can choose personal insurance for yourself and your spouse or even more affordable joint cover. Only one of you needs to be a member of TEK.
You decide who will be the beneficiary of the life insurance. The beneficiary is the person to whom your life insurance compensation will be paid. The amount of compensation and the beneficiary can be changed if there are changes in your life situation.
Calculate the cost of insurance for you, and take out insurance here or via the calculator below.
There is a simple calculation rule for estimating the amount of life insurance compensation: joint loans and incomes are a good starting point for choosing the right amount of cover. The recommended additional insurance cover is 20,000 euros per child. This amount allows the surviving spouse to maintain their current lifestyle, and gives them time to prepare for the future.

Additional cover for adults and children with accident insurance
You can also supplement your insurance cover with accident insurance granted by Kaleva. The spouse of a member is also covered by the insurance benefit.
Children’s accident insurance is low-cost insurance for your child. It is valid 24/7 for those under 25 and also covers accidents that take place in competitive sports until the age of 18. The insurance amounts are specific to each insurance policy.
If you end your TEK membership, membership benefits will end at the end of the current insurance period.
Compare insurance prices: TEK's partner insurance companies do not necessarily offer the cheapest insurance in all members' life situations. However, TEK membership brings significant discounts to most members. We recommend comparing different companies before taking out insurance. The most affordable company for you depends on your life situation and your insurance needs.
The partner services included in TEK's member benefits and the benefits offered by partners are subject to service provider's service and data protection terms and conditions.