Content about "member services and benefits"

Nainen katsoo ulos ikkunasta kylpytakissa.
The joint Member+ portal of TEK and other Akava associations gathers all member benefits at one address.
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Read more on different subscriptions for Alma Media's magazines.

Nainen lukee Tekniikka & Talous -lehteä sohvalla.
Your membership includes up to two Alma Media magazines. You can subscribe to digital magazines or bundle subscriptions, which allow you to read the same magazine digitally in addition to the paper version.

Kaksi aikuista ja kaksi lasta venyttelee juoksuradalla.
TEK members who utilize this benefit save an average of 564 euros per year on the normal price.
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Henkilöitä kävelemässä, paidan selässä lukee TEK.
Recharge, get inspired or learn new skills with TEK's services and benefits.
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Luova teknologia
TEK provides support and services to communities established by its members.
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EU:n liput liehuvat, taustalla virastotaloja.
EU Directives are among the things that affect the terms of employment of TEK members.
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Lapsi vilkuttaa äitinsä sylistä
TEK members who have utilised Kaleva's life insurance benefit have saved an average of EUR 673 per year.

TEK members can get the Graduate Ring (DI-sormus in Finnish) with a discounted price.

The majority of TEK’s full members who are salaried employees belong to KOKO, the unemployment fund for highly educated.
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