Nuoria henkilöitä teekkarilakit ja haalarit päällä.

Welcome to Teekkari Culture!

Our caps have tassels, our overalls are full, and we have the best Wappu activities.
When did Teekkari culture begin? What has happened along the way?
Teekkari Cities
In Finland, there are more and more Teekkari cities, each with their own, special traditions.
Teekkari ABC
Jäynä, guild, Kyykkä, secret society, Sitsit, Speksi, Tempaus, Wappu...
Teekkari Song Culture
"Teekkari sings rather than well."
Jäynä Culture
In Teekkari communities, there is a great deal of Jäynä activity.
Contact details for student liaisons
If you have any questions about Teekkari culture or TEK, contact your local student liaison.
TEK's services for students
Student membership is free – if you aren't already a member, join now!

We are Teekkari. This means we study technology at universities all over Finland, celebrate Wappu enthusiastically, and wear the tasselled cap as our signature. However, being a Teekkari is also so much more, as you can learn from these webpages. Welcome then, to the land of Teekkari culture!

For those who aren’t Teekkari, these pages are also for anyone who just wants to learn more about the culture. You may be looking to hire a technology student, or thinking of beginning your own university studies in technology. From these webpages, you too can get to the bottom of what being Teekkari is all about.

A lecture in an auditorium with bright lights.
Blog post

Blog: What if the world felt different?

What if your brain worked differently than most of your peers? Imagine that clothes felt like sandpaper, that painfully bright lights were too dim for everyone around you, and that party music makes you feel like you’re a maracas being shaken.
Yleiskuva TEK-loungesta.
News article

“This turned out pretty cool” – new Tampere TEK Lounge has opened

Opened in November, the new TEK Lounge in Tampere is twice as big as the old one. Welcome to spend a day working remotely from here or meeting people you know!
Nainen istuu aaltojen keskellä.
News article

Universities are learning to be more neurodiverse

Universities in the field of technology support students’ neurodiversity with individual arrangements, for example. Hundreds of students are already utilising these arrangements, and the demand for them is growing.
YC:n ryhmäkuva.
News article

YC makes the student voice heard in TEK

Youth Committee (YC) has a lot on their plate: they are involved in TEK's salary recommendations for students, TEK's Equality Guide, student events, TEK's Pride partnership and in the recruitment of student representatives, for example.
Kolme opiskelijahaalareihin pukeutunutta henkilöä pitelee uutta, itäsuomalaista tupsulakkia.
News article

New tassel cap from Eastern Finland

The first teekkaris at the University of Eastern Finland received their tassel caps on May Day this year. The cap has been designed by the teekkaris themselves.
News article

Student, is your summer job about to start? Join the KOKO fund

Especially because of the changes in the legislation, now is the time to join KOKO fund.
Piiroskuvassa kaksi henkilöä keskustee työkalupakin äärellä.
News article

TEK's Workbook helps you find a summer job

The summer job search season is underway! Student, grab the latest TEK job search and career planning guide, Työkirja 2024, from your campus to support your job search or thesis job search.
Opiskelijoita luentosalissa.
News article

Record number of student members, again

Last year, 5,206 student members joined the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK.
Blog post

TEK membership builds good life

TEK develops member services that make an impact based on what we know about the wishes and needs of TEK members.