Elections at TEK in 2017

News article

If you want to have an influence on your professional community and participate in decision-making, now is a good time to consider putting yourself forward as a candidate in TEK’s elections!

TEK holds council elections every third year, and 2017 will be a year of elections again. The council is the highest decision-making body at TEK, and it is composed of 70 elected members and 6 students. The creation of candidate lists will start at the turn of the year, and voting will take place in March. Unlike in previous elections, the candidates can choose the area in which they wish to register.

The detailed schedule and instructions on how to appoint candidates will be published online in October. We will announce the opening of the elections pages in your e-newsletter and on the TEK Facebook and Twitter accounts. The November issue of the TEK magazine will also contain more information on the elections.

The members of the current council, board and committees are presented at www.tek.fi/fi/tek/paatoksenteko (in Finnish).

For more information on the next year’s elections, please send an e-mail to vaalit(a)tek.fi or contact Daniel Valtakari, Secretary of the Elections Committee, tel. +358 (0)9 2291 2237.