Content about "membership"

Henkilöitä tapahtumassa, puhuja edessä ja yleisö juttelee toisilleen.
In recent years, TEK’s offerings have become ever more accessible and tailored to international members. We should be proud of what has happened, while also recognising that challenges remain, writes Owain Hopeaketo.
Blog post

Owain Hopeaketo
This week, TEK is celebrating a week dedicated to our international members. Why is this happening, and why is internationality such a recent focus of TEK’s actions? Project Manager Owain Hopeaketo explains that this is a topic that affects more than just our international members.
Blog post

Henkilö kahvikuppi kädessään.
TEK membership benefits are available to you even if you live abroad. You can also apply for guest membership in your local organisation.

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee käytävällä työpaikalla tai korkeakoulussa.
The more members TEK has, the more influence we have on matters that are important to the TEK community and the better services and benefits we can provide.
News article

We hope that you are happy with your TEK membership and use our membership services and benefits to get the most out of your membership fee. However, if you decide to end your TEK membership for some reason, please contact us.

Carita Särestö ja Satu Taivainen TEKin toimistolla.
The member service team also manages the lobby services at TEK Lounge in our Pasila office and the telephone exchange.
News article

Ihmisiä pöydän äärellä
The total number of members of Akava affiliates at the start of 2023 was 616,000, which is an increase of 1,200 members from the previous year.
News article

TEK’s highest decision-making body, the General Council, which is elected democratically by member vote, met in Tripla, Pasila, 24–25 November.
News article

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
The most obvious indicator of a successful change is the number of members, which has been growing.
Blog post

Joukko ihmisiä istumassa sohvilla
The majority of the members of Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK are world savers.
News article